Monday, December 30, 2019

Discrimination Against Asian Immigrants Essays - 1773 Words

During the late 1800s, waves of Asian immigrants from other countries arrived at the United States of America. These countries include China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and India. They believed that coming to the United States would enable them to achieve the â€Å"America Dream†, but various laws and discrimination prevented them from achieving the dream. In response to these laws and discrimination, Asian immigrant groups asserted a sense of agency to protect themselves from oncoming discrimination and prejudice. Agency is defined as Asian Immigrants/Americans resistance to the discrimination, unfair laws, prejudice, and low wages. Some agency was successful and others were not, but the main idea was that Asian immigrants were†¦show more content†¦In addition to work hours, on the fields, the foremen patrolled while cracking and snapping his whip. The foremen would crack his whip near laborers to increase work productivity (Takaki, 135). In addition to unfair workin g conditions, a racial hierarchy was also developed in the plantations, with the white and foremen at the top. A good example of the hierarchy is suburban housing (Price). The owner and lunas or foremen would live at the top of the hill, the Japanese in wooden houses, Filipinos in run-down houses, and the Chinese in barracks (Price). This hierarchy served as system to prevent unions and strikes from forming. To prevent solidarity and unification of the workers, the plantation owners developed a mixed wage system and a diverse work force (Price). A mixed wage and a diverse work force served as a barrier from forming unions and going on strike. Also, owners also encouraged or promoted different groups to insult or put down different groups in order to increase worker productivity and widen the gap between each group (Takaki, 25). This system is similar to the checks and balances system in the U.S government. For example, if one group gets too powerful, i.e. the Japanese, Filipinos wou ld be brought in to counter the Japanese. The different groups serve to check each other’s power. With this system in place, the Asian immigrant groups were not easily able to assert their sense of agency. Despite the precautions the plantationShow MoreRelatedThe Immigration Of Asian American Immigrants Essay1505 Words   |  7 Pagescentury, myriads of immigrants flocked to the U.S. seeking better job opportunities,or searching for religious freedom. U.S. citizens were fearful, envious, and willing to exclude immigrants who came to the US as they were viewed as an economic threat to the society. They believed that these immigrants were racially, morally and intellectually inferior to them and as such did not see or treat as their equals. These dysfunctions lead to severe and harsh treatment of immigrants. Historically, the threeRead MoreRacial Discrimination Against Minorities And Immigrants1090 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican history, immigrants came here and brought their traditions and cultures with them. The United States is a country of immigrants. It is a place where people from all over the world come to build a better life. Some immigrants bring their families. Others come alone with nothing but determination. Racial discrimination against minorities and immigrants is an underlying problem here in America today. Racism is seen in our daily lives when people are discriminated against because of their raceRead MoreJerry Trinidad . Professor Tuyay . Asian-American History .1659 Words   |  7 PagesJerry Trinidad   Professor Tuyay   Asian-American History   April 1, 2017      Angel Island and Ellis Island        The United States was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, but during an immigration boom in the late 1890s and early 1900s, Asians and Europeans faced discrimination and violence because of their difference in language, appearance, and religion. People came to America from all over the world to experience the wealth and prosperity that was associated with this great countryRead MoreImmigration to the US1148 Words   |  5 Pagesmany Asian immigrants that come to the United States in hopes of living out their American dream of becoming United States citizens. My parents came here exactly for that same reason, so they can give my sisters and I the opportunity to live a better life. We were fortunate enough to have our relatives help us get here, making it a little less difficult for us compared to other families that took a different path to becoming citizens. However, it was not always this easy for an Asian immigrantRead MoreThe United States As A Mul tiracial Society959 Words   |  4 Pagesjobs, immigration, and discrimination are affected. The United States provides people with jobs and opportunities that they could not even dream of accomplishing in their home country. As an immediate effect of this, many Americans are denied jobs or are underqualified, due to the fact that employers do not want to discriminate against different races. According to an International Business Times article 51 percent of Americans believe they are competing for jobs with immigrants ( HoweverRead MoreAsian Students and Colleges Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesMany people assume that Asians have it the easiest of all the races when it comes to applying to top tier schools. Not only are they â€Å"naturally intelligent†, they are also a minority meaning they can reap the benefits of affirmative action; therefore, they must be able to easily stand out against White applicants with a comparably high academic record. Surprisingly, studies show that the opposite may be true. Asians admission rates in top tier schools lik e Harvard suggest that White applicants mayRead More Asian American Experience Essay1642 Words   |  7 PagesAsian American Experience The pain and the suffering, the oppression, and the exclusion all describe the history of Asia America. When they arrived to the United States, they become labeled as Asians. These Asians come from Japan, China, Korea, Laos, Thailand, and many other diverse countries in the Eastern hemisphere. These people wantedRead MoreWhat Is Domestic Violence?992 Words   |  4 Pagesat language ability, education, work experience and many other categories. It is a very discriminatory system, as it only allows for wealthy immigrants due to the requirements of English language and to have strong work and education credentials. So with the majority of South Asian immigrants that are coming to Canada coming as economic immigrants, most are coming from areas where they had a lot of power due to their social location and subject position. Although their social location does not changeRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pages It was third grade that I discover ed that I wasn’t white. Don’t get me wrong, I was aware that I was Asian. I had a different culture at home from my friends. They didn’t eat rice nearly as often as I did. They didn’t see chopsticks as just another utensil for the table, but as an exotic tool. They didn’t speak Chinese at home. But race was never something that mattered in elementary school. People weren t black, white, yellow. They were classmates, friends. That is, until Peter arrived. It wasRead MoreDo Asians Rights Be Ignored? America? Essay1489 Words   |  6 Pages11/2/2016 Do Asians’ rights be ignored in America? When I search â€Å"Asian rights in America† on Google, there are almost 68400000 search results. But if I search â€Å"Black people rights in America†, there are about 90800000 search results online. It is obviously that there are some differences between these two values and what reason causes this different? Why people focus more attention on black people’s rights not on Asians’ rights? You may say that it’s maybe because the number of Asians is smaller

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Annotated Bibliography On The Dark Matter - 1003 Words

Annotated Bibliography Basak, Tanushree, and Tanmoy Mondal. Constraining Minimal U(1) B − L Model from Dark Matter Observations. (2013): n. pag. Cornell University Library. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Tanushree Basak’s journal is peer reviewed, and she works in a physics research laboratory so her article is credible. This source is used in the paper to help introduce the concept of dark matter. It helps describe what percentage of the universe is made up of dark matter. Additionally, it provided information on how dark matter was formed at the beginning of the universe. Basulto, Dominic. Dark Matter: What We Know and Why You Should Care. The Washington Post. N.p., 7 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. The author of the article is the least credible resource used in the paper because he works for the Washington post. This means the author isn’t expert in the field of physics. This article helps to explain the relevance of dark matter today. It describes what dark matter is, and how we know that it must exist. The source also explains how scientists are currently trying to observe the effect of dark matter. Feldstein, Brian, and Felix Kahlhoefer. A New Halo-independent Approach to Dark Matter Direct Detection Analysis. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 8 (2014): n. pag. Web of Science. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. The journal is peer reviewed and published at the University of Oxford, so the resource is credible. The sole purpose of this article is to show how scientistsShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Healthy Eating1739 Words   |  7 PagesVitamin Best food source RDA Principle Functions (A) retinol Whole milk, butter, yellow and dark green vegetables, and orange fruits 1000 mcg Maintenance of epithelial tissue; constituent of visual pigments (D) cholecalciferol Fish liver oils, fortified or irradiated milk 10 mcg Transport of calcium; intestinal and renal absorption of phosphate (E) d-alpha tocopherol Vegetable oils, wheat germ, and dark green veggies 10 mg Protects cell membranes against lipid per oxidation and destruction (K)Read MoreRacism And The Immigration Restriction Act Of 19011432 Words   |  6 Pages†¢ Introduction †¢ What is racism? †¢ History of Racism in Australia †¢ Effects †¢ Causes †¢ Where does racism come from? †¢ Who experiences racism? †¢ What can be done to fight racism? †¢ Where does racism come from? †¢ Graph †¢ Solution †¢ Conclusion †¢ Bibliography Racism Report INTO: The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 led to the limitation of non-European migration, which became known as White Australian Policy .In 1901, 98% of people in Australia were white. Australia wanted to remain a countryRead MoreAnimations Effect On Children : Annotated Bibliography877 Words   |  4 PagesAnimations’ effect on children: An annotated bibliography For years, the world grappled with racial and ethnic representation in media. Characters that come into our homes through TV screens- who we laugh with, cry with, get angry with- have more than just a temporary impact on our lives. They help us shape our own reality, â€Å"who we are, who we aspire to be, and how we view the world around us†(1). Race and ethnicity are not only physical attributes of people but also are ways of seeing and understandingRead MoreThe Catholic Church And The Middle Ages1283 Words   |  6 Pagesmiddle ages. They controlled everything from religion to politics, art, and education. Their power was eminent and unlimited and so was their corruption. Due to the power and corruption of the Catholic Church, the Middle Ages was considered the dark ages for true Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church had abandoned the early teachings of the bible and instead began to enforce teachings of their own. Basically, they were making up the rules in order to fulfill their own desires. For exampleRead MoreOverview. Octavia Butler’S Kindred Focuses On The Perspective1731 Words   |  7 Pagesorder to emphasize the widespread effects of prejudice upon human rights. In addition, the contrast of societies also serves to compare the troubles of the past society from the progressive perspective of 1976. The articles chosen within this annotated bibliography focus specifically on the multiple impacts of slavery. In addition, these articles were chosen specifically due to the variety of different arguments and perspectives each author claims; however, each article centers around the main issueRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of Venus De Milo Of Aphrodite1628 Words   |  7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Kousser, Rachel. Creating the past: The Venus de Milo and the Hellenistic reception of classical Greece.  American journal of archaeology  (2005): 227-250. This article writes at length about the discovery of the statue/sculpture of Venus de Milo of Aphrodite from Melos. Three perspectives are presented in the article firstly on how the statue was discovered and the speculations made by the experts and other artists about the sculpture and the other structures unearthed withRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe and Gothic Imagery in The Cask of Amontillado2286 Words   |  10 Pagesfive senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. Edgar Allan Poe is notorious for his use of dramatic imagery in the gothic genre. â€Å"Gothic literature has a number of conventions, including evocations of horror, suggestions of the supernatural, and dark, exotic locales such as castles and crumbling mansions† (Canada, 1997). In this paper, I will examine the imagery Poe has chosen in The Cask of Amontillado, and explain why it is vital to the furthering of the plot. In The Cask of AmontilladoRead MoreSemiotics And Interactive Design Of Black And White Essay2968 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction For my Annotated Research Kit, I have explored Black and White (colours), semiotics and interactive design. The first keyword I have explored is Black and White. This is an illustration style that I have up until recently, been using in my studio work, and in my own personal practices as a graphic designer. Black and White also fits in with the culture of today’s younger generation, in which their taste of visual style and graphic design preference fits in with my Black and White designRead MoreWhat Twists a Man so Far as Murder? (Serial Killers)2001 Words   |  9 Pagesmurder? Many things today confuse, yet enthrall the masses. War, murder, medical science, incredible rescues, all things you would see on The History Channel. There is another topic that is also made into documentaries however, serial killers. Dark twisted people that commit multiple murders are of interest to the population, but what caused them to be this way. What horrible tragic set of events could twist a man to murder one or many people. Could Schizophrenia, psychopathy, or sociopathy?Read MoreHumn 101 Writing Assignment: Exhibition And Annotated Bibliography1948 Words   |  8 PagesHUMN 101 Writing assignment: Exhibition and annotated bibliography spring 2017 How can art make an audience listen? Sonny Assu sets a prime example of getting a viewer s attention, in his piece â€Å"The Away Teams Beams Down to What Appears to be Unlimited Planet,†2016 displayed at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The following writing will talk about Sonny Assu as an artist and the social historical context of the work. Sonny Assu was raised by his grandparents in North Delta, British Columbia. He

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Senior year Free Essays

The time has finally arrived less than a month to senior graduation. Just not too long ago I was sitting down in the lecture hall getting my senior portraits done . Let was a very long processes trying to figure out what outfit I was going to wear , trying this and trying that on until I found the perfect outfit for my last set of high school pictures. We will write a custom essay sample on Senior year or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once it came time to do the cap and gown pictures it hit me that this is literally my last and final year of high school. Who would have known that your senior year is literally the most expensive year in all f the years you’ve been in high school. Spirit packs are a must during your senior year which includes a cute backpack, sunglasses, and a lanyard yea it was a bit on the pricey side but so what its senior year. Then you have all the books that finally decided to catch up with you that you have to pay for because you were too lazy to keep up with them. Cap and gown, Prom, All night grad party and of course the year book is all a part of those dues no one wants to pay but choose to because It’s your last year. Choosing graduation Invitations was hard because there were so many efferent packages to choose from then having to make a list of the people you wanted to Invite. It’s hard to know that this year was a year for a lot of â€Å"last time â€Å"things. The last Whereon vs†¦ South lakes football game thankfully we won that game. My very last year of playing powder puff with the girls of 2014 that have literally played every year approaching the senior year. This year was our year at the pep rally being able to see our year showed In the dance was great, we went crazy seeing that because this Is our year to shine. How to cite Senior year, Papers Senior Year Free Essays Importance of Senior Year Senior year is the highlight of everyone’s high school career. People look forward to it as soon as they begin high school as a freshman. People get their last year to be close with their friends and enjoy the final year of their high school career. We will write a custom essay sample on Senior Year or any similar topic only for you Order Now No one has the right to take away someone’s senior year for any reason. Politics argue that senior year is a blow off, seniors fear going to college, none of the classes matter, and none of this would effect junior year. There are no benefits from graduating high school after three years. Students should go to high school for four years because senior year can sometimes be the hardest, certain colleges still look at senior year transcripts, and junior year would simply just replace senior year and everybody would still do the same things a year earlier. Senior year is not always a student’s easiest year. Sometimes, students sign up for advanced placement classes because they finally think that they can understand and succeed in these tougher classes. Kids want to prepare themselves for college so they make their senior year a little harder so that college courses will be a little easier to adapt to. Walter Kirn argues that senior year is not necessary by saying, â€Å"It’s a spree, senior year, that discharges built-up tensions. † For many students who plan on attending college, senior year is nowhere near a spree. Students do not just explore random and easy classes because they think they can pass without even trying. They sign themselves up for important classes that will challenge them and keep them busy during senior year so they do not lose a step for college. For many, senior year may be the hardest year of someone’s high school career. Students are smarter than ever before and they still want to learn more before beginning college. They do not expect the year to be easy even though that is the general senses. Many kids choose classes that make senior year their toughest year. Many high quality colleges do not stop looking at students after junior year; they look at senior year transcripts too. This is another reason why senior year is still an important year. Students cannot take senior year lightly because certain colleges may still look at their transcripts at the end of the year. In Walter Kirns argument against the senior year, he tated, â€Å"Why not just get started early and read â€Å"Moby Dick† for pleasure, if they wish, rather than to earn a grade that they do not need? † Many kids need to earn a good grade so that colleges will not decline their application or monitor them closely because of a poor grade. Next to junior year, senior year might be the most important year to some kids becaus e colleges may still look at their grades deciding whether to accept them or not. For college bound students, which there is an abundant from every school, senior year is still an important year that they need to succeed in. These students cannot slack off because they are relying on their final grades to get into college. Seniors cannot just lay back; they need to continue to work hard because colleges may possibly look at their senior grades to see if their work ethic is always the same. If senior year did not exist, junior year would take its place. The author says senior year does very little for maturing and that senior year is not needed. The author argued this by saying, â€Å"Nothing much happened, just the loss of a year when nothing much happens anyhow. If senior year no longer exists, then junior year would soon be a pointless year and nothing would be achieved. People are less mature as juniors, so they will slack off even worse and will not be prepared for college at all. Many argue that seniors just party and slack off waiting for the year to end. Junior year would be the exact same if senior year was taken away. Students would still be excited to leave and therefore, still achieve nothing . Whether it is junior year or senior year, people are still going to treat it like it is their last year and continue to do the things that everybody does during their final year of high school. Many people overlook how important senior year really is. People think that there would be nothing lost if high school only consisted of three years. They think it is a waste of time and therefore, not needed. High school students need to continue to have senior year because it may be their hardest year yet, many colleges still look at senior’s transcripts, and without one more year, junior year would be just like senior year except earlier. Every year in high school, including senior year, is important. Senior year is a vital year in high school that must remain and not be taken away. How to cite Senior Year, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Oral History Essay Example For Students

Oral History Essay Nadine Gordimer is a white author who lives in the country of South Africa. She is known for her excellent characters and the vivid details of her books. Her stories are written in the context of her South African experiences. She also writes about the previous challenges of South Africa under apartheid, at a time when society was split by race. South Africas racial problems began when the white people came and discovered South Africa with its black population. The white people wanted power because there were many fewer whites than blacks. The only way to achieve that was to change the government around so that only white people had political power. The three terms that were used to describe racial groups under the system of apartheid were European, Native and Coloured. Gordimer explains the many aspects of this problem in South Africa with her stories in A Soldiers Embrace. In her last short story, simply titled, Oral History, she writes about the Europeans finding out that there were Native rebels in a village. The chief of the town wanted to get rid of them, so he asked the white army to do it. The white army bombed the village and killed everyone who was in it, too. When the chief came back and found out what had happened, he hanged himself from a tree. Gordimers message in this story is that the people who split themselves by race (or by anything else for that matter) will eventually destroy everything for different reasons. One cannot label someone by their race because it can be hard to draw the line in some situations. It is also impossible to make laws about love. In one of Gordimers short stories, Town and County Lovers, she wrote about a white man and a black woman in love and the consequences of that relationship for them. European South Africans were selfish, and made the people of other cultures separate from them. The Europeans were also the ones who made the Coloureds and Natives do menial work. One would think that the Natives would own the land because they lived on it first!Throughout A Soldiers Embrace, Gordimer develops the theme of mans inhumanity to man through the political system in South Africa. Gordimer includes many twists in her book as well about relationships between the people of different races and her v iews of violence, love and compassion. Probably one of the saddest things about her stories was that it was truth, not fiction.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Compare the changing attitudes/views on war between The Going of the Battery, The Send

Compare the changing attitudes/views on war between The Going of the Battery, The Send-off and Joining the Colours Essay When comparing these poems I feel that it is essential to take into account the narrative and if applicable, the character in which each has been written. As each poet is an individual who will have their own viewpoint and opinion of any event. The Going of the battery, is the earliest of the three poems; and was most probably written during the Boer war. Therefore this war wouldnt have been as technologically advanced nor as deadly as world war one, which is the war that the other two poems are about. Despite the better odds of survival that the soldiers had their partners were still worried for their safety. This anxiety can be seen through the tone of the poem, which is worried and reflective: We will write a custom essay on Compare the changing attitudes/views on war between The Going of the Battery, The Send-off and Joining the Colours specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Nevermore will they come evermore. This worry can also be seen in the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem, which is regular up until the point where Hardy puts emphasis on the soldiers departure All we loved. The poems structure is such that it shows the womens worry in a very effective way, in that it goes from the women complaining and getting their fear stuck in the readers head through repetition: Oh it was sad enough, weak enough, mad enough Then to their begrudging their partners because they see them as: Stepping steadily-only too readily!- To them becoming seemingly jealous of the guns that their partners are going to join, which I say because the collective thoughts of the women actually personifies the guns: Great guns were gleaming there, living things seeming there, Cloaked in their tar-cloths, upmouthed to the night; Wheels wet and yellow from axle to felloe, Throats blank of sound, but prophetic to sight. After that the women get upset and warn their men not to court perils that honour could miss. Which could mean that they view their men act all big and tough in front of their friends and so consequently might act irresponsibly and get themselves hurt. The poem then goes on to show that the women are worries but that they still keep their hopes up even when they are feeling as though life beats are low, they at least seem to hopeful that: Some Hand will guard their ways. The Send-off appears to me to be slightly more pessimistic than the Going of the Battery. This can be seen through its mocking yet reflective tone: Their breasts were stuck all white with wreath and spray As mens are dead. It may also be seen if one notes the way in which it starts with a loud and happy atmosphere when the soldiers sang, and ends silent. Also the poem seems, in parts, to have a conspiratorial tone too it: So secretly like wrongs hushed up. This might be a reflection of what Owens thoughts of war were, as it  bears a resemblance to Dulce et Decorum Est, which also implies lies and injustice. Owen uses personification to add to this conspiratorial tone: Then, unmoved, signals nodded, and a lamp Winked to the guard. This could symbolise his distrust of everyone in that everybody is in on the conspiracy and are against him.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Tempest Analysis Discusses Morality and Fairness

'The Tempest' Analysis Discusses Morality and Fairness This analysis reveals that Shakespeare’s presentation of morality and fairness in the play is highly ambiguous and it is not clear where the audience’s sympathies should lay. The Tempest Analysis: Prospero Although Prospero has been treated badly at the hands of the Milan nobility, Shakespeare has made him a difficult character to sympathize with. For example: Prospero’s title in Milan was usurped, yet he did much the same thing to Caliban and Ariel by enslaving them and taking control of their island.Alonso and Antonio cruelly cast Prospero and Miranda out to sea, yet Prospero’s revenge is equally as cruel: he creates a horrific storm which destroys the boat and throws his noble counterparts into the sea. Prospero and Caliban In the story of The Tempest, Prospero’s enslavement and punishment of Caliban is difficult to reconcile with fairness and the extent of Prospero’s control is morally questionable. Caliban had once loved Prospero and showed him everything there was to know about the island, but Prospero’s considers his education of Caliban as more valuable. However, our sympathies firmly lay with Prospero when we learn that Caliban had tried to violate Miranda. Even when he forgives Caliban at the end of the play, he promises to â€Å"take responsibility† for him and continue to be his master. Prospero’s Forgiveness Prospero uses his magic as a form of power and control and gets his own way in every situation. Even though he does ultimately forgive his brother and the king, this could be considered to be a way to reinstate his Dukedom and ensure the marriage of his daughter to Ferdinand, soon to become King. Prospero has secured his safe passage back to Milan, the reinstatement of his title and a powerful connection to royalty through the marriage of his daughter – and managed to present it as an act of forgiveness! Although superficially encouraging us to sympathize with Prospero, Shakespeare questions the idea of fairness in The Tempest. The morality behind Prospero’s actions is highly subjective, despite the happy ending which is conventionally employed to â€Å"right the wrongs† of the play.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Goings Manufacturing Division and Just-in-Time Essay

Goings Manufacturing Division and Just-in-Time - Essay Example We will look at these aspects and how the principles of JIT can be applied to Going's manufacturing division. Going should try to revamp its value chain and come up with a leaner manufacturing system. First of all, the company should exert effort in reducing the number of its suppliers and forging strategic alliances with them. Currently, the company solely bases its supplier choice on who can give the lowest price. Going should pursue close collaboration with its parts supplier because they are important stakeholders of the company. JIT highlights the importance of the physical distance of the supplier and the manufacturer's warehouse/plant. Having suppliers locate within reach will be mutually beneficial-suppliers will cut down on logistics cost while manufacturer is assured of fast and timely delivery whenever component is needed. Going can even get rid of its warehouse if all its major suppliers operate near its manufacturing plant. Going should pursue further efficiency in production by sourcing semi-assembled products from its suppliers. The case mentioned that the company currently has 10,000 part numbers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Federal Estate Tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Federal Estate Tax - Essay Example Through the history of mankind, there have been several social issues which fail to attain the justified attention in sociological research, despite the fact that nobody gravely questions their implication for society, and the inheritance of private wealth from one generation to the following forms one such crucial sociological issue in the modern time. An awareness of the fact that about 550 billion dollars, which is more than 4% of the American GNP, are transferred per annum in the United States also suggests why the bequest of wealth and the Federal Estate Tax forms some central topics of sociological scholarship. "Estate taxation, one of the crucial areas of conflict in the regulation of the transfer of property, has become a topic of substantial political debate in the United States in recent years, and this has also prompted scholarly interest in the issue... One of the more interesting questions about the estate tax is why it is such a controversial tax..." (Beckert, 522) In f act, a sociological analysis of the Federal Estate Tax provides the most effective conclusion on why the arguments against the death tax have a superior point against those in favor of it in the essential controversial debate of the day, and there are important research evidences suggesting that the death tax has several limitations from the sociological point of view. Commendable researches on the topic of the Federal Estate Tax have concluded on the various arguments for and against the law which ultimately point out that it creates several issues to the taxpayers and that the limitations of the law concerning the economy and the environment far surpass the latent advantages of the law. The strong protest against the death tax in the current circumstances has been the result of several economic, sociological, and political considerations which prove significant to the entire system of the society. The economic perspective on the question argues that the Federal Estate Tax holds back the accumulation of capital and the growth of the economy. Important economic assessments on the topic conclude that the estate tax proves to be most detrimental to the economic growth of the federation. The taxes on the transference of property reduce the capital value of the property and diminish the finds intended for the preservation of labor. Taxes such as the Fe deral Estate Tax are unthrifty taxes which may enhance the revenue of the government, but rarely contribute to the good of the people affected, and they prevent the distribution of the national capital in the way most beneficial to the community. "For the general prosperity there cannot be too much facility given to the conveyance and exchange of all kinds of property, as it is by such means that capital of every species is likely to find its way into the hands of those who will best employ it in increasing the productions of the country." (Ricardo, 108) Therefore, the economic arguments against the Federal Estate Tax substantiate the sociological arguments against the same. The fact that there have been significant moves in the Congress to permanently repeal the federal estate tax also point to the limitations of the tax. Though there are ongoing debates on the repeal of the death tax, it is often assessed at a higher rate on the accumulated savings of deceased persons

Monday, November 18, 2019

The future of computer logic and programming with Python Essay

The future of computer logic and programming with Python - Essay Example At the present, it is being widely used for the development of different application software and programs. In view of the fact that this programming language offers some of the simplest design principles hence it allows programmers to easily develop and interpret their programs. This programming language was created by Guido van Rossum and this development was supported and encouraged by various other programming paradigms such as by ABC, Haskell, Java, LIST programming, Icon and Perl programming languages. Though, python is a smallest programming language framework, however it is a complete, well-developed, multi-platform and high level programming language. The most amazing characteristic that distinguishes python from other programming languages is that it does not require from the programmers to insert or take care of any kind of semicolons and brackets while writing source code. Normally, in python, programs are written using an indentation technique (Bodnar, 2010). At the pres ent, python programming language is available in two versions: 2.x and 3.x. In this scenario, Python version 3.x is an advanced version of python, which has addressed all the regressive compatibility issues that programmers experienced with previous versions. In fact, the basic purpose of developing this version was to address different design defects of this language and improve the capabilities of the language (Bodnar, 2010). At the present, python programming language is available in two versions: 2.x and 3.x.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Rare Case of Ehler-Danlos Syndrome

A Rare Case of Ehler-Danlos Syndrome A RARE CASE OF EHLER-DANLOS SYNDROME WITH LITERATURE REVIEW ABSTRACT The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome comprises of a group of generalized connective tissue disorders which is characterized by fragile skin, skin hyperextensibility, and joint hypermobility. More than 10 types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome have been identified based on genetic and biochemical studies1. In the majority of patients with molecularly characterized as classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (type I and type II), the disease is caused by a mutation leading to a non-functional COL5A1 allele and resulting in haplo-insufficiency of type V collagen2. Most mutations identified so far result in a reduced amount of the type V collagen in the connective tissues available for collagen fibrillogenesis. Inter and intra-familial phenotypic variability is observed, but no specific genotype-phenotype correlations have been observed. No specific treatment protocol for the underlying defect is presently available for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. However there are a series of preventive guidelines applicable2. Period ontal disorders, increased bleeding tendency, delayed eruption of teeth and joint subluxation are few concerns during dental management of such patients. This case report discussess the features of classic ehler danlos syndrome presented in a 7 year old female patient and reviews the recent literature. Key words: Ehler-Danlose Syndrome, Classic Type. EHLER-DANLOS SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT INTRODUCTION The Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a heritable connective tissue disorder characterized by skin hyperextensibility, fragile and soft skin, delayed wound healing with formation of atrophic scars, easy bruising, and generalized hypermobility of joint. It comprises Ehlers- Danlos syndrome type I and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type II, but it is now apparent that these form a continuum of similar clinical findings and differ only in phenotypic severity2. Presented here is a rare case of a 7 year old girl with features of Classical Ehler Danlos Syndrome. CASE REPORT A 7 year old female patient reported with her parents to the department of oral medicine radiology concerned about a decayed tooth in the lower right back jaw region. A thorough review of the family history indicated that she was the first and the only child of her parents who had married consanguineously. On further investigation the parents reported that child had an unremarkable prenatal course of development and birth. She had no significant illnesses or hospitalizations as reported . She had normal course of development . Her medical history did reveal prolonged epistaxis occasionally . Opthalmic assessment was done at the age of 2 years and she was diagnosed with astigmatism for both the eyes. On a re-evaluation a week ago she was also diagnosed with hypermetropia. The patients dental history was, according to her parents, uneventful, although she had never had routine professional care. Tooth eruption and exfoliation had occurred without difficulty. She reported brushing her teeth twice daily. Physical examination revealed a thin white female kid with translucent skin with blue sclera and dark circles around her eyes. There was hyperextensibility of her fingers in both hands and legs, elbows and knees with bilateral shoulder subluxation. Her height was 125 cm and weighed 19.20 kgs., afibrile at the time of presentation. Laboratory examination for the patient revealed normal CBC, platelets, PT, and PTT; however, her bleeding time was found to be greater than 16 mm. Oral examination revealed early mixed dentition with a Class I relationship of her first permanent molars and primary canines. Severe crowding of incisors and she had a posterior crossbite on her right side was present. Dentinal caries was present with respect to lower right deciduous molar. There was generalized gingivitis with fair oral hygiene. A provisional diagnosis of Ehler Danlos syndrome was made based on the clinical finding and the patient was sent to the genetic center at the Indira Gandhi Institute Of Child Health. Upon genetic analysis it was found that she had pathogenic variant of COL51A gene. On basis of the genetic analysis and clinical features a confirmed diagnosis of Ehler Danlos Syndrome was made. The parents were referred to a genetic counselor to explain regarding the condition and the possibility of the condition repeating in the next offspring. The patients’ dental treatment was performed at the pediatric department which was uneventful. The patient is placed under regular recall at the dental hospital and was referred to the clinical pediatrician for subsequent care and review. DISCUSSION The Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a heritable connective tissue disorder which is characterized mainly by hyperextensibility of skin , abnormal wound healing, and joint hypermobility. After the description of typical hyperelastic skin by Van Meekeren and hypermobility of joints , in addition, by Knoop , Ehler first noticed easy bruisability of the skin. Danlos drew attention to peculiar cigarette paper scar multiple pseudotumor formation of the skin3. Prevalence : EDS truely is a rare disease, affecting just one in a million people worldwide. There are many subtle forms of the condition, leading to missed diagnosis or misclassification. Therefore, the incidence rates stated are skewed. The statistics for ED syndrome in India per se has hardly been noted, most of the authors referencing to world wide statistics. Pathophysiology : There are three different mechanisms by which the EDS traits are produced6. The first of these features is a deficiency of the collagen-producing enzymes, such as lysyl-hydroxylase and pro-collagen peptidase. The second is the dominant-negative effect of the mutant collagen ÃŽ ±-chains6. The third is haplo-insufficiency of COL5A1 gene that encodes the proalpha1(V) chain of the type V collagen. The term haplo-insuffiency refers to the presence of a single functional copy of any particular gene within diploid organisms, with the other homologous allele (which is supposed to be a functioning duplicate gene) inactivated12. The diagnosis of EDS, classic type is generally established by clinical examination and family history. The diagnostic criteria were developed by a medical advisory group in a conference held at Ville franche in 19972. The combination of three major diagnostic criteria is highly specific for the presence of the condition2: Skin hyperextensibility: Skin hyperextensibility should be tested at a neutral site (the one not subjected to mechanical forces or scarring), such as volar surface of the forearm. It is measured by pulling up the skin until any resistance is felt. In young children, hyperextensibility of skin is difficult to assess because of abundant subcutaneous fat. Widened atrophic scar formation ( manifestation of tissue fragility). Joint hypermobility: Joint hypermobility depends upon age, gender, family and ethnic backgrounds. Joint hypermobility in classic EDS is generalized, affecting both the large and the small joints and can range in severity from mild to severe2. It is usually noted when a child starts walking6. A positive family history2. The Minor diagnostic criteria were also established, and the presence of one or more of these minor criteria contributes to the diagnosis of classic EDS, though not sufficient to establish the diagnosis2: Smoothness of skin, velvety texture. Molluscoid pseudotumors (fleshy, heaped-up lesions associated with scars formation over pressure points such as the elbows and knees). Subcutaneous spheroids (small, hard cyst-like nodules, freely moveable in the sub-cutis over the bony prominences of the legs and arms, which have an outer calcified layer with a translucent core on the radiograph). Complications of hypermobility of joint(e.g.: sprains, dislocations or subluxations, and pes- planus). Muscle hypotonia with delayed gross motor development. Easy bruisability. Manifestations of tissue hyperextensibility and fragility (e.g.: hiatal hernia, anal prolapse in childhood, and cervical insufficiency). Surgical complications including postoperative hernias2. Differential diagnosis of the other EDS-subtypes: 1. EDS hyper-mobility type (EDS type III) 2. Familial joint hyper-mobility syndrome 3. EDS vascular type (EDS type IV) Differential diagnosis including other heritable connective tissue disorders2 : Marfan- Syndrome Cutis- Laxa Syndromes Loeys-Dietz Syndrome The discussed case presented with smooth velvety skin, skin hyper-extensibility , joint hyper-mobility, with history of easy bruising and epistaxis, muscle hypotonia , features suggestive of a clinical diagnosis of the classical ehler danlos syndrome. Clinical Management: There are not many treatment options available, yet the optimal management of EDS patients through a series of lifestyle modifications is recommended, such as by minimizing skin trauma brought about during trauma or excessive exposure to the sun, as well as a regular exercise regimen in order to strengthen muscles tone , which in turn decreases the risk of joint injury (such as the previously discussed spontaneous dislocation). Patients with the vascular and the ocular forms of EDS should avoid dangerous contact sports, such as martial arts and football etc. There is even anecdotal mention that increase in the intracranial pressure resulting from Valsalva effect can be problematic, especially with the vascular and the ocular forms; patients may be advised to refrain from such activities as playing musical instruments (trumpet, trombone) as well as activities that require constant squatting or bearing down. The limited treatment choices available for EDS patients’ are unsatisfactory, with most care being supportive in nature. Patients requiring surgical interventions should be treated with the utmost of caution due to enhanced problems of bleeding from spontaneous vascular rupture, scar formation, and potential compromises in airway maintenance. Surgical re-excision of the scars and keloids might provide for some cosmetic benefit, although this plastic surgery can also lead to problems as previously noted. CONCLUSION EDS, the classic type is inherited disorder of autosomal-dominant type . It is estimated that approximately 50% of the affected individuals have inherited mutant gene from an affected parent, and about 50% of the affected individuals may have a de novo disease-causing mutation. Although about 50% of the individuals diagnosed with classic EDS have an affected parent, the family history may seem to be negative because of failure to recognize the disorder in family members. Requests for prenatal testing for conditions such as classic EDS that do not affect intellect of the individual or life span are not common. Differences in perspective may exist among various medical professionals and within families regarding the use of prenatal testing2. From an oral physicians perspective its important to be aware of the risks of bruising, bleeding and joint hyper extensibility during various dental procedures being carried out in the patient. Also it is important to make the patient and related aware of the importance of need for optimum maintenance of oral hygiene to avoid the oral disorders patient is more susceptible to.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is an analgesic medication. Its overdose occurs when someone accidently or intentionally takes more than the normal or recommended amount of this medication. Acetaminophen overdose is one of the common poisonings worldwide. If this poisoning occurs, need to call local emergency number (911) or poison control center. Acute acetaminophen overdose is defined as an ingestion of toxic amount of acetaminophen occurring within a period of eight hours or less. In adults acetaminophen toxicity occurs following ingestion of greater than 7.5-10gms over a period of eight hours or less. Chronic acetaminophen overdose occurs following ingestion of toxic amount over a period greater than eight hours. The mechanism of liver injury is related to the fact that small amounts of acetaminophen are converted to a toxic metabolite. The toxic metabolite binds with liver proteins to cause cellular injury. The amount of toxic metabolite produced and the ability of the liver to remove this metabolite before it binds to liver protein influence the extent of liver injury. Pathophysiology: Oral acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestines. The serum drug concentration peaks 1-2 hours once after ingestion. Peak plasma level occurs within 4 hours of post ingestion of over dose of an immediate release preparation. Therapeutic levels are 5-20 Â µg/ml. Acetaminophen primarily metabolized by liver to non toxic, water soluble form that is eliminated in the urine. Overdose leads to formation of hepatotoxic reactive metabolite causes an ensuring cascade of oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. This subsequent inflammatory response propagates hepatocellular injury and death. Similar enzymatic reaction occurs i... ...dressed some recommendations to acetaminophen based medications, are safe daily dose for healthy individuals, patients with chronic renal failure, patients who concurrently drink alcohol and appropriate dose needed to be efficacy. It also imposed package size restrictions. Prevention: People supposed to take some steps to avoid acetaminophen overdose. Always securely close the acetaminophen containers and use child proof bottles. Keep all the medication out of the reach of children. Know the correct dose and amount of drug before administration. Never mix the both medications if those contain the acetaminophen. Keep all the medications away from the family member who are being showed suicidal ideations and seek medical attention immediately. Patient should not be taken acetaminophen if he has consumed three alcoholic beverages per day as it leads to hepatotoxicity.