Monday, December 30, 2019

Discrimination Against Asian Immigrants Essays - 1773 Words

During the late 1800s, waves of Asian immigrants from other countries arrived at the United States of America. These countries include China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and India. They believed that coming to the United States would enable them to achieve the â€Å"America Dream†, but various laws and discrimination prevented them from achieving the dream. In response to these laws and discrimination, Asian immigrant groups asserted a sense of agency to protect themselves from oncoming discrimination and prejudice. Agency is defined as Asian Immigrants/Americans resistance to the discrimination, unfair laws, prejudice, and low wages. Some agency was successful and others were not, but the main idea was that Asian immigrants were†¦show more content†¦In addition to work hours, on the fields, the foremen patrolled while cracking and snapping his whip. The foremen would crack his whip near laborers to increase work productivity (Takaki, 135). In addition to unfair workin g conditions, a racial hierarchy was also developed in the plantations, with the white and foremen at the top. A good example of the hierarchy is suburban housing (Price). The owner and lunas or foremen would live at the top of the hill, the Japanese in wooden houses, Filipinos in run-down houses, and the Chinese in barracks (Price). This hierarchy served as system to prevent unions and strikes from forming. To prevent solidarity and unification of the workers, the plantation owners developed a mixed wage system and a diverse work force (Price). A mixed wage and a diverse work force served as a barrier from forming unions and going on strike. Also, owners also encouraged or promoted different groups to insult or put down different groups in order to increase worker productivity and widen the gap between each group (Takaki, 25). This system is similar to the checks and balances system in the U.S government. For example, if one group gets too powerful, i.e. the Japanese, Filipinos wou ld be brought in to counter the Japanese. The different groups serve to check each other’s power. With this system in place, the Asian immigrant groups were not easily able to assert their sense of agency. Despite the precautions the plantationShow MoreRelatedThe Immigration Of Asian American Immigrants Essay1505 Words   |  7 Pagescentury, myriads of immigrants flocked to the U.S. seeking better job opportunities,or searching for religious freedom. U.S. citizens were fearful, envious, and willing to exclude immigrants who came to the US as they were viewed as an economic threat to the society. They believed that these immigrants were racially, morally and intellectually inferior to them and as such did not see or treat as their equals. These dysfunctions lead to severe and harsh treatment of immigrants. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Annotated Bibliography On The Dark Matter - 1003 Words

Annotated Bibliography Basak, Tanushree, and Tanmoy Mondal. Constraining Minimal U(1) B − L Model from Dark Matter Observations. (2013): n. pag. Cornell University Library. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Tanushree Basak’s journal is peer reviewed, and she works in a physics research laboratory so her article is credible. This source is used in the paper to help introduce the concept of dark matter. It helps describe what percentage of the universe is made up of dark matter. Additionally, it provided information on how dark matter was formed at the beginning of the universe. Basulto, Dominic. Dark Matter: What We Know and Why You Should Care. The Washington Post. N.p., 7 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. The author of the article is the least credible resource used in the paper because he works for the Washington post. This means the author isn’t expert in the field of physics. This article helps to explain the relevance of dark matter today. It describes what dark matter is, and how we know that it must exist. The source also explains how scientists are currently trying to observe the effect of dark matter. Feldstein, Brian, and Felix Kahlhoefer. A New Halo-independent Approach to Dark Matter Direct Detection Analysis. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 8 (2014): n. pag. Web of Science. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. The journal is peer reviewed and published at the University of Oxford, so the resource is credible. The sole purpose of this article is to show how scientistsShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Healthy Eating1739 Words   |  7 PagesVitamin Best food source RDA Principle Functions (A) retinol Whole milk, butter, yellow and dark green vegetables, and orange fruits 1000 mcg Maintenance of epithelial tissue; constituent of visual pigments (D) cholecalciferol Fish liver oils, fortified or irradiated milk 10 mcg Transport of calcium; intestinal and renal absorption of phosphate (E) d-alpha tocopherol Vegetable oils, wheat germ, and dark green veggies 10 mg Protects cell membranes against lipid per oxidation and destruction (K)Read MoreRacism And The Immigration Restriction Act Of 19011432 Words   |  6 Pages†¢ Introduction †¢ What is racism? †¢ History of Racism in Australia †¢ Effects †¢ Causes †¢ Where does racism come from? †¢ Who experiences racism? †¢ What can be done to fight racism? †¢ Where does racism come from? †¢ Graph †¢ Solution †¢ Conclusion †¢ Bibliography Racism Report INTO: The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 led to the limitation of non-European migration, which became known as White Australian Policy .In 1901, 98% of people in Australia were white. 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The Roman Catholic Church had abandoned the early teachings of the bible and instead began to enforce teachings of their own. Basically, they were making up the rules in order to fulfill their own desires. For exampleRead MoreOverview. Octavia Butler’S Kindred Focuses On The Perspective1731 Words   |  7 Pagesorder to emphasize the widespread effects of prejudice upon human rights. In addition, the contrast of societies also serves to compare the troubles of the past society from the progressive perspective of 1976. The articles chosen within this annotated bibliography focus specifically on the multiple impacts of slavery. In addition, these articles were chosen specifically due to the variety of different arguments and perspectives each author claims; however, each article centers around the main issueRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of Venus De Milo Of Aphrodite1628 Words   |  7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Kousser, Rachel. Creating the past: The Venus de Milo and the Hellenistic reception of classical Greece.  American journal of archaeology  (2005): 227-250. This article writes at length about the discovery of the statue/sculpture of Venus de Milo of Aphrodite from Melos. Three perspectives are presented in the article firstly on how the statue was discovered and the speculations made by the experts and other artists about the sculpture and the other structures unearthed withRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe and Gothic Imagery in The Cask of Amontillado2286 Words   |  10 Pagesfive senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. Edgar Allan Poe is notorious for his use of dramatic imagery in the gothic genre. â€Å"Gothic literature has a number of conventions, including evocations of horror, suggestions of the supernatural, and dark, exotic locales such as castles and crumbling mansions† (Canada, 1997). 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War, murder, medical science, incredible rescues, all things you would see on The History Channel. There is another topic that is also made into documentaries however, serial killers. Dark twisted people that commit multiple murders are of interest to the population, but what caused them to be this way. What horrible tragic set of events could twist a man to murder one or many people. Could Schizophrenia, psychopathy, or sociopathy?Read MoreHumn 101 Writing Assignment: Exhibition And Annotated Bibliography1948 Words   |  8 PagesHUMN 101 Writing assignment: Exhibition and annotated bibliography spring 2017 How can art make an audience listen? Sonny Assu sets a prime example of getting a viewer s attention, in his piece â€Å"The Away Teams Beams Down to What Appears to be Unlimited Planet,†2016 displayed at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The following writing will talk about Sonny Assu as an artist and the social historical context of the work. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Senior year Free Essays

The time has finally arrived less than a month to senior graduation. Just not too long ago I was sitting down in the lecture hall getting my senior portraits done . Let was a very long processes trying to figure out what outfit I was going to wear , trying this and trying that on until I found the perfect outfit for my last set of high school pictures. We will write a custom essay sample on Senior year or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once it came time to do the cap and gown pictures it hit me that this is literally my last and final year of high school. Who would have known that your senior year is literally the most expensive year in all f the years you’ve been in high school. Spirit packs are a must during your senior year which includes a cute backpack, sunglasses, and a lanyard yea it was a bit on the pricey side but so what its senior year. Then you have all the books that finally decided to catch up with you that you have to pay for because you were too lazy to keep up with them. Cap and gown, Prom, All night grad party and of course the year book is all a part of those dues no one wants to pay but choose to because It’s your last year. Choosing graduation Invitations was hard because there were so many efferent packages to choose from then having to make a list of the people you wanted to Invite. It’s hard to know that this year was a year for a lot of â€Å"last time â€Å"things. The last Whereon vs†¦ South lakes football game thankfully we won that game. My very last year of playing powder puff with the girls of 2014 that have literally played every year approaching the senior year. This year was our year at the pep rally being able to see our year showed In the dance was great, we went crazy seeing that because this Is our year to shine. How to cite Senior year, Papers Senior Year Free Essays Importance of Senior Year Senior year is the highlight of everyone’s high school career. People look forward to it as soon as they begin high school as a freshman. People get their last year to be close with their friends and enjoy the final year of their high school career. We will write a custom essay sample on Senior Year or any similar topic only for you Order Now No one has the right to take away someone’s senior year for any reason. Politics argue that senior year is a blow off, seniors fear going to college, none of the classes matter, and none of this would effect junior year. There are no benefits from graduating high school after three years. Students should go to high school for four years because senior year can sometimes be the hardest, certain colleges still look at senior year transcripts, and junior year would simply just replace senior year and everybody would still do the same things a year earlier. Senior year is not always a student’s easiest year. Sometimes, students sign up for advanced placement classes because they finally think that they can understand and succeed in these tougher classes. Kids want to prepare themselves for college so they make their senior year a little harder so that college courses will be a little easier to adapt to. Walter Kirn argues that senior year is not necessary by saying, â€Å"It’s a spree, senior year, that discharges built-up tensions. † For many students who plan on attending college, senior year is nowhere near a spree. Students do not just explore random and easy classes because they think they can pass without even trying. They sign themselves up for important classes that will challenge them and keep them busy during senior year so they do not lose a step for college. For many, senior year may be the hardest year of someone’s high school career. Students are smarter than ever before and they still want to learn more before beginning college. They do not expect the year to be easy even though that is the general senses. Many kids choose classes that make senior year their toughest year. Many high quality colleges do not stop looking at students after junior year; they look at senior year transcripts too. This is another reason why senior year is still an important year. Students cannot take senior year lightly because certain colleges may still look at their transcripts at the end of the year. In Walter Kirns argument against the senior year, he tated, â€Å"Why not just get started early and read â€Å"Moby Dick† for pleasure, if they wish, rather than to earn a grade that they do not need? † Many kids need to earn a good grade so that colleges will not decline their application or monitor them closely because of a poor grade. Next to junior year, senior year might be the most important year to some kids becaus e colleges may still look at their grades deciding whether to accept them or not. For college bound students, which there is an abundant from every school, senior year is still an important year that they need to succeed in. These students cannot slack off because they are relying on their final grades to get into college. Seniors cannot just lay back; they need to continue to work hard because colleges may possibly look at their senior grades to see if their work ethic is always the same. If senior year did not exist, junior year would take its place. The author says senior year does very little for maturing and that senior year is not needed. The author argued this by saying, â€Å"Nothing much happened, just the loss of a year when nothing much happens anyhow. If senior year no longer exists, then junior year would soon be a pointless year and nothing would be achieved. People are less mature as juniors, so they will slack off even worse and will not be prepared for college at all. Many argue that seniors just party and slack off waiting for the year to end. Junior year would be the exact same if senior year was taken away. Students would still be excited to leave and therefore, still achieve nothing . Whether it is junior year or senior year, people are still going to treat it like it is their last year and continue to do the things that everybody does during their final year of high school. Many people overlook how important senior year really is. People think that there would be nothing lost if high school only consisted of three years. They think it is a waste of time and therefore, not needed. High school students need to continue to have senior year because it may be their hardest year yet, many colleges still look at senior’s transcripts, and without one more year, junior year would be just like senior year except earlier. Every year in high school, including senior year, is important. Senior year is a vital year in high school that must remain and not be taken away. How to cite Senior Year, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Oral History Essay Example For Students

Oral History Essay Nadine Gordimer is a white author who lives in the country of South Africa. She is known for her excellent characters and the vivid details of her books. Her stories are written in the context of her South African experiences. She also writes about the previous challenges of South Africa under apartheid, at a time when society was split by race. South Africas racial problems began when the white people came and discovered South Africa with its black population. The white people wanted power because there were many fewer whites than blacks. The only way to achieve that was to change the government around so that only white people had political power. The three terms that were used to describe racial groups under the system of apartheid were European, Native and Coloured. Gordimer explains the many aspects of this problem in South Africa with her stories in A Soldiers Embrace. In her last short story, simply titled, Oral History, she writes about the Europeans finding out that there were Native rebels in a village. The chief of the town wanted to get rid of them, so he asked the white army to do it. The white army bombed the village and killed everyone who was in it, too. When the chief came back and found out what had happened, he hanged himself from a tree. Gordimers message in this story is that the people who split themselves by race (or by anything else for that matter) will eventually destroy everything for different reasons. One cannot label someone by their race because it can be hard to draw the line in some situations. It is also impossible to make laws about love. In one of Gordimers short stories, Town and County Lovers, she wrote about a white man and a black woman in love and the consequences of that relationship for them. European South Africans were selfish, and made the people of other cultures separate from them. The Europeans were also the ones who made the Coloureds and Natives do menial work. One would think that the Natives would own the land because they lived on it first!Throughout A Soldiers Embrace, Gordimer develops the theme of mans inhumanity to man through the political system in South Africa. Gordimer includes many twists in her book as well about relationships between the people of different races and her v iews of violence, love and compassion. Probably one of the saddest things about her stories was that it was truth, not fiction.