Saturday, February 29, 2020

Brand New Eyes by Paramore

Very few music artists are skilled enough to put out an album that has equally impressive melodies, lyrics, and lead vocals. In 2009, Paramore released their third studio album, which is their most popular and critically acclaimed album to date. Since its release, it has been certified gold in the United States and platinum in the UK. Its blend of catchy tunes, brutally honest lyrics, and the dynamic vocals of lead singer Hayley Williams has raised it to the tops of the charts of rock music over the past couple years. This is definitely an album worth your time and money. One of the reasons this album and band is looked up to by many musicians, is the emotional and deep lyrics that Williams has written since the bands inception in 2004. The fourth song, Brick By Boring Brick, tells the story of a girl, who seems to be too caught up in her own fantasy world. The lyrics, â€Å"Well you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic † hints that the real evil might not be the monsters in fairytales; it might be hidden in reality itself. Other examples of the albums complex lyrics are, â€Å"Next time you point a finger, I might have to bend it back or break it, break it off,† which refers to the drama between members prior to Brand New Eyes release. All of the lyrics could have multiple meanings, both straight-forward and conceptual, which have grabbed a hold of listeners since the beginning. Another definitive aspect that boosted Paramores popularity from every other alternative rock band, is Williams powerhouse vocals. In 2003, at the age of 14, she was hunted down by Atlantic Records, who wanted to make her into a solo pop artist. Williams declined, and said later in an interview â€Å"my heart was to be in a band Without her unique voice, Paramore would have been like any other female fronted band throughout history. One of the key factors to many artists success beyond writing good music, is the live performance. Paramore has been recognized world-wide for this and has even had to change venues due to the huge amount of concert-goers. The complement of Williams powerful vocals and her ever-changing hair color, usually in shades of red or orange, along with guitarist Taylor York and bassist Jeremy Davis acrobatic-like acts onstage, makes a Paramore concert a spirited experience for both critics and music aficionado alike. In Fall of 2009, during their Brand New Eyes Tour, the performance echoed the aesthetics of the album, from the empty picture frames referring to the track â€Å"Playing God,† to the swinging light bulbs from â€Å"Ignorance.† I strongly support this album, and any other from Paramore. I believe that it is a timeless piece that could possibly become a classic alternative album in the future.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

4G Wireless Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

4G Wireless Systems - Essay Example Data packets are sent wirelessly to the satellites that help to transfer data quickly. This change has brought about much relief for the general public as now communication can be easier and much faster and not to mention it has become a lot less tedious. However, the fast paced changes in the technological world make it a lot harder for various companies and industries to keep up. One day a new product is introduced and the next day the team sits down to chalk out the plans to make the product better. A perfect example would be Apple’s effort to introduce new and improved versions of the iPhone and then there is the competition that makes companies run faster and faster. Using the last example of Apple it is now common knowledge that Google’s Android is becoming the competition to the iPhone. In the same manner, wireless systems have evolved from time to time and continue to do so.The wireless communication systems have been defined by giving then designations with reg ards to generations. The first generation was introduced in the early 1980s and made use of analog frequency modulation and were more or less used for the purpose of voice communication. It was not much later in the late 1980s that the second generation of wireless system technology made its way in the market was once again focused on voice communicationÃ'Ž Later, instead of a third generation technology, there was a midway between the second and third generation know as 2.5 generation.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Social and political in the 19th century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social and political in the 19th century - Essay Example As a result of his care, though, his discoveries were well-founded and difficult to disprove especially as others were also making similar discoveries at the time. Another great thinker that had a significant impact on cultural attitudes and beliefs was Karl Marx. Marx focused his attention on the ways in which different societies worked, paying particular attention to how conflict between the classes helped to shape the way the society was organized. His predictions and writings were so influential that they have helped to found entire governmental systems. The new ideas these two men introduced to the world had an impact not only on how we understand the world around us, but also how we understand one another including changing common concepts of gender relations. It was the mid-1800’s when Charles Darwin took his famous trip to the Galapagos and witnessed tangible evidence for his theory regarding the origin of all species. The 13 islands of the Galapagos chain are relative ly close to each other geographically but are vastly different environmentally. Some of the islands offer desert-like conditions, others more tropical, some sandy, some rocky. Attempting to catalog the various species he found, Darwin realized many of them had originated as one species, but had evolved adaptations needed for survival according to the different conditions on the different islands. He hypothesized adaptations to new environments would take place over long periods of time, millions of years, through the process of natural selection. Natural selection works when an animal is born with a specialized new trait that helps it survive in its environment. This animal thrives and produces offspring that carry the same inherited trait so they live longer and have more babies. Eventually the new type ‘wins out’ over the old and a new species is started. It didn't take long for these concepts to be applied to human development. Darwinian anthropology suggests that be havior is shaped by the needs and expectations of the social environment and is also based on best fitness to survive. Therefore, â€Å"the way to look for adaptations is not to try to find ancient mental mechanisms but to look at current behavior in relation to local environmental conditions† (Cartwright). Instead of inborn traits and physical attributes, Darwinian anthropology suggests people strive to adapt their behavior based upon new learning and new skills to cope with their social environment. This is proven to some extent in the case of immigrants. Although first generation immigrants usually struggle to incorporate into their new society, successive generations develop the adaptive tools necessary to survive with greater success within the same environment. Under the umbrella of Darwinian anthropology, â€Å"culture should be viewed a part of a fitness maximization program. Humans are flexible opportunists and so optimality models can be used† to predict beha vior (Cartwright). These types of realizations led to a new consideration regarding the supposed helplessness and presumed handicaps of women during this age. People began questioning whether the problems were culturally rather than biologically ingrained. This line of