Thursday, July 9, 2020

Write the Annotated Bibliography on the Provided Articles - 3025 Words

Write the Annotated Bibliography on the Provided Articles (Annotated Bibliography Sample) Content: Week 10 final RESEARCHAnnotated BibliographyNameInstitution AffiliationWeek 10 final RESEARCHAnnotated BibliographyIntroduction The paper will review the articles because of the support they pose to my health literacy interest. It is important to understand the American adults' literature since this will help in maintaining good health, health care, and information. Ideally, less medical information leads to poor communication between patients and care providers which in effect lead to inadequate care provision. In fact issues such as high hospitalization rates, few continuous screen for sicknesses including cancer, increased disease, and mortality rates. The paper will examine various health literature to indicate their similarities and differences and help adults get relevant information on the specific issue.Peterson, J., Schmer, C., Ward-Smith, P. (2013). Perceptions of Midwest rural women related to their physical activity and eating behaviors. Journal of commun ity health nursing, 30(2), 72-82.Mixed Method StudySummary: The study used a semi-structured interview in the qualitative fashion to get the perceptions women health lifestyles in eating, exercises, and weight management. The findings show that rural women are aware of their diet, and physical fitness. Many of them stated that eating more calories than consumed during exercises can increase body fat hence obesity. Besides, the women understand that obesity can cause serious illnesses including diabetes, and heart diseases. Ideally, people in rural have limited education and health awareness that cause them not engage in healthy lifestyles. But participants here showed that they have basic knowledge on overweight. Further, the study participants indicated their need for health professionals to give them more information on weight issues.Analysis: Data from this research suggests that rural women have basic knowledge of their weight and health problems and benefits of exercising and eating a healthy diet (Peterson, Schmer, Ward-Smith, 2013). Every participant gave data that was used to describe their feelings, attitude, and life experiences that relate to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The data is presented through construct theory to indicate behavior patterns with contracts perceived to have personal, social, environmental factors.Application: Data showed the perceived health lifestyle of rural women regarding diet and physical fitness. Every participant contributed to the study by giving personal feelings, attitude, thoughts, and life experiences. The data is helpful in understanding ways of adopting, maintaining, and keeping the healthy lifestyle. Besides, the data is applicable as it is easy to present through constructs based on behavior patterns. Koch-Weser, S., Rudd, R. E., DeJong, W. (2010). Quantifying Word Use to Study Health Literacy in DoctorPatient Communication. Journal of Health Communication, 15(6), 590-602. doi:10.1080/10810730.2010.499592 .Quantitative AnalysisSummary: The study offers a new lease of life to the health literacy in the clinical industry. The study is thus useful in improving the patients' knowledge on health issues as well as make the doctors have a wider scope of their areas of expertise. For achieving this, an already existing data sets will be added to the measure. Moreover, the use of computer quantitative measures the word use and help in the analysis for human consumption. The proposal calls for further study.Analysis: The patients belong to the age group of between 18-90 years; where 76% were female, 90% white whites, and 56% went to college. Overall, a patient who visits a physician were about 86% times and white physicians visited about 88% times. %0% of the visits were with fellow doctors or junior practitioners with half being a senior physician (Koch-Weser, Rudd, DeJong, 2010). Averagely, doctors and patients spent 20 minutes. During the meeting, doctors used 3171 words equal to SFI value s while patients used 2739 words on some encounter. 43 medical word were used by physicians and 26 employed by the patients. The research is a pointer to the need for future studies to combine quantitative assessment with interaction analysis to get import results. For example, a researcher can study doctors use diagnostic questions with vocabulary which patients should understand-qualitative measure and use enough words to meet the doctor's exact data requirement-qualitative interaction survey.Application: The study used descriptive statistics to describe the features of the doctors, the patients, and their relationships. Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated for testing of the hypothesis which measured patient's word that correlate to age, education, and literacy. Besides, the Pearson correlation coefficient was useful in testing the hypothesis which the word use measurement relates to another literacy demand including readability formula. Lastly, independent t-test was done to test the hypothesis of 6the word use measure that separates doctors from patients.Manganello, J., Blake, N. (2010). A Study of Quantitative Content Analysis of Health Messages in U.S. Media from 1985 to 2005. Health Communication, 25(5), 387-396. doi:10.1080/10410236.2010.483333.Qualitative analysisSummary: Health education is increasing in popularity day by day with many articles being published in journals of every subject. However, there are areas which need to be addressed in depth since numbers without justification are not enough to warrant additional research. The study considers that many topics are no covered well by using specific analysis, theoretical framework, content changes, and audience for the data.Analysis: The study grouped journals into three: communication, health, and magazines. A group of journal impact factor was created (1, 1-2, 2+, missing) (Manganello, Blake, 2010). The researcher then calculated frequencies and applied Chi-square test to get th e test variations across groups and look at trends. The analysis was done through STATA version type 8.2.Application: Given the growth in content analysis, the paper identified key content areas that needed more attention. From the survey, more attention is required on a direct link between content studied, and health policy. Further studies need to relate their work with theoretical frameworks to identify reliability assessment methods (Manganello, Blake, 2010). Besides, authors ought to give details of the description of the method they used. Many information missing include codes, sample percentages, a reliability of the assessment, and the number of coders involved. It is useful for authors to identify the type of content analysis applied. In fact, the paper details allow the reader to assess the reliability of the methods used, analysis, and understanding of the results. Further, availing relevant data gives the researcher easy time to do research consistently by investigating content methods to advance the future studies.Miller, E. G., Nowson, C. A., Dunstan, D. W., Kerr, D. A., Solah, V., Menzies, D., Daly, R. M. (2016). Recruitment of older adults with type 2 diabetes into a community-based exercise and nutrition randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), 467. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-016-1589-5.Summary: Recruiting interviewees into long-term community lifestyle interventions for people living with chronic ailments is gradual and challenging. Ideally, old people are reluctant to participate in intense activities such as regular physical exercises. But, given that there is no data about the proper strategies to use for the adults with type 2 diabetes into a society exercise and nutrition plans, there is a need for research on information on cost estimates related to the activity. In this regards, the paper examined the recruitment strategies applied in the programs and success rate of such programs of recruiting older adults with type tow diabetes with a period of 6 months. The participants were given nutritional supplement randomly in a controlled trial (RCT) to determine the pre-exercise effects of the drugs on the adults.. Besides, the study assessed the cost related to the community recruitment used. Analysis: The participant received resistant to exercise, Vitamin D and Muscle protein Intervention Trial (REVAMP-IT) to correct their type 2 diabetes. A random control trial targeted about 202 adults with diabetes-2 to evaluate whether whey protein and v=Vitamin D drink can improve the effects of progressive resistance training (PRT). The participants were grouped into 1(the lift of life community PRT exercise plus the use of protein and Vitamin D, and 2((the lift for life PRT program (Miller, et al., 2016). For recruitment, the study used advertisement on Radio, Newspapers and through word of mouth to reach many people. Staff then recorded the number of individuals who had an interest in the program. 1157 participants showed inter est over the 21 month recruitment time. (659 (83%) people were screened were ineligible for the trial or just declined to participate (Miller, et al., 2016). Therefore, 198 participants were randomly selected to the 24-week weight loss intervention plan. The study findings indicated that targeted mass mail-outs were the most effective recruitment method (39%) with 27% from the state and 14% from local media were very expensive.Application: The research finds out that to get older adults living with diabetes type 2 to participate in the community lifestyle intervention trial, there is a need for adequate budgeting to ensure success of the project. On average, the program is costly with the most efficient strategies expenditure being higher than other average advertising means. Therefore, scholars who want to research further in this area can use the data in the paper ...

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